The History of Men
Tyriedar | Men | Elves | Dwarves | Halflings | Norn | Other
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  • Easily corrupted by power and prone to the darkest of magic.
  • When magic left Tyriedar, Men became the most powerful race. However they have many political issues among the kingdoms and could be the cause of their very unraveling.
  • Agile & Strong. Good hunters. Good warriors. Very well balanced physically.
  • Men have four major capitals and nations in Tyriedar. Highgate in Mirerenna where King Alistar reigns, Redwater in Dalry where King Raynard sits on the Silver Throne, Deathfall in Gya under the control of the mysterious Baelfire and Aeredale in Ruand where Queen Evette rules.
  • Each nation is vastly different in ideals and strengths, though most of the other races see them all as the same.
  • Men have made many mistakes over the years. They have slaughtered Dwarves, kept Halflings as slaves, built cities on sacred tombs, and scorched the earth with their rage.
  • Men decide your station in life based on who you are related to and your wealth. Most find it very hard to make a name for themselves.
  • Dalry is the most ruthless of the kingdoms, while Ruand has a major history of massacres and warmongering.
  • Men can be found fighting pretty much every race in different parts of Tyriedar.
  • While some Men sell Halflings as slaves (Dalry), others treat them as freefolk.
  • Men also have a vast amount of differing beliefs among their people, and have many who stick up for those that others choose to destroy.
  • Most of all, Men breed like rabbits and have filled this land with their spawn. There are none who doubt their existence or ever will.
The race of Men are currently the largest and most widespread of all races in Tyriedar. For the past thousand years their numbers have been growing and their lands expanding well beyond their original borders. With many numbers behind them, their power can become an unstoppable force. At present there are four major Kingdoms of Men.

The Kingdom of Mirerenna is the largest in population of the four main human kingdoms. Their borders span from the capital of Highgate on the western coast, to the luxurious diamond colored beaches of Kirkwall in the south, and far into the Northern Wilds where free folk at the Dragon's Reach Keep fly the banner of King Alistair II against biting winter winds. King Alistair is often referred to as Alistair Stormwind or the King of Gale, a reference to his time spent at sea with the Royal Navy, in the service of his Grandfather King Winston IV. It was then that the young Prince joined the attack on a mighty sea-beast terrorizing trade ships coming from from the far off Eriani Empire beyond the waves. The naval forces were losing the battle against the Kraken when a massive ocean storm overtook their boats. It was the young Prince who realized the storm could change the course of battle and led the men in their defeat of the beast, bringing one of this massive tentacles back to his grandfather as a gift and proof of their efforts.

Many believe Alistair to have a heart far too good for Kingship, though he has always been a natural leader. He was not originally intended to take the throne, that position being meant for his older brother Winston V. However after his grandfather fell ill years ago, Alistair's father took the throne. As the family grieved the loss of their patriarch, tragedy struck when the new King, Hammond, was assassinated in his bed chambers in the middle of the night. Not thinking quite clearly, Alistair's brother Winston set out to find the man responsible for the crime, an action that would lead him deep into the far reaches of Tyriedar, never to be heard from again. Technically King Alistair does not hold the throne as there has been no evidence of his brother's death in fifteen years, but at the urging of his wife and in an attempt to keep the kingdom united, he holds the title. After all, he is so loved by the people that the citizens of Mirerenna might revolt if he ever denounced the throne.

King Alistair's wife is Queen Muriella, an extravagant beauty originally betrothed to his older brother. She is often times referred to as the Puppeteer behind the throne, evidence of her pulling the strings of her husband's actions are usually very apparent. Originally she is from Dalry, just beyond the eastern borders of Mirerenna where her father Raynard rules. Muriella had been betrothed to Winston since she was just a child, the union of the two houses planned for years before she had ever even met her intended. She instantly fell in love with Winston, and for a short time before his disappearance they were very happy together. His decision to leave has since left her cold, and ever since she married Alistair, a man she reveres more like a very eager hunting dog, she has become more calculated and duplicitous with her actions. Together they have three children and their houses remain united.

Dalry is a smaller Kingdom, though they are very wealthy in riches, specifically silver. The Silver Keep in the capital of Redwater is where the King resides. Though Raynard is an aging man, he is often referred to as 'The Bold' because of his intense ambitions and desire for power and wealth. Dalry has always been a very militaristic kingdom, their soldiers training in tense conditions and their citadels the most revered in all the land. Many believe the union of the two kingdoms was simply a way for Raynard to attempt a land grab within Mirerenna without having to initially open battle on the other kingdom. While Dalry raises much better fighters, the shere numbers tig that Mirerenna can produce are enough to make even the most power hungry king back down from a fight.

Just like most of the men in Dalry, Raynard also studied at one of the citadels. He understands the field of battle and spent many years before ever becoming King, strategizing the next move against Dalry's warring neighbors. He has led his men into battles with the odds stacked against them and come out victorious more times than he can count and many say that he literally stole the throne as his own. Raynard did not inherit his power like the long succession of men holding the throne in Mirerenna. When he had just entered his twenty-seventh year, Raynard was chosen by the current king to be his successor, a very unpopular choice. While he was an amazing general on the battlefield, many believe that he never truly earned the silver throne. And with the seductive and secretive nature of the women in his family, there were many rumors that his wife coerced the decision out of the previous king with her devious ways. On the day of Raynard's coronation, he had ten of his most outspoken adversaries beheaded in a celebration of his feat.

The celebrations were cut short when word of a fell beast coming from the east interrupted the festivities. Most had never seen a dragon; they were actually considered extinct by many, though word of them living in the far east wasn't unheard of. Within minutes the beast was on Redwater and crashing into the walls surrounding the city, tearing them down like it was nothing. After the beast burned most of the crops and the entire lower quarter of the city, the soldiers of Dalry were finally victorious in defeating her. And it was that very day some in the kingdom felt a tinging, powers awakening in their bodies. Even King Raynard announced he too had been blessed by the cursed beast with powers of great strength and wellness. This was all a lie. The people of Dalry still believe their king to be chosen to lead and granted great powers to do so, to this day.

Gya is located to the far east of Dalry, and in the past often joined the hostile barbarians and wild men fighting the military nation. Yet years ago, Gya, with it's high mountain peaks, closed up their borders and outside contact with the other kingdoms of the realm. The land, known for its lush forests, sprawling cities, and magnificent geysers, is believed to be where the true king of Mirerenna went missing on the search for his father's killer. While many citizens of Dalry and Mirerenna deny the existence of dragons, those who live in Gya know all too well about them. The people have fallen victim to a few attacks that many believe, but never dare speak, to be the actions of their leaders. And when it comes to leadership, the king of Gya, a mysterious figure simply known as Baelfire, really takes the cake. Not much is known about who he is, where he came from, or what his intentions are. Years ago his dark army stormed the black castle in Deathfall, the capital of Gya, and ever since then Baelfire has ruled his people.

Unlike King Raynard of Dalry, The Dark King possesses many abilities and has frequently used them on his people, livestock, intruders, whatever he can get his hands on. Many believe Winston, True King of Mirerenna is locked deep in the dungeons below black castle with it's tall, pointy towers often referred to as Dragonspine. The people of Gya both fear and revere their king. Those who are afraid of him tend to keep themselves out of sight and out of mind, while those who worship their king, worship with intense passion. He is brutal, mad, and intensely generous to those who dedicate their lives to him. For a while, the armies and people amassing in Gya - a place which has become a beacon of hope to the neighboring wildmen and barbarians looking to escape the oppression of Dalry - has been a debate among the other leaders of Tyriedar, not just humans. However with their borders closed up, it has become slightly apparent that the Dark King is choosing to keep his people to himself.

Outside of Gya, those from the kingdom are not treated very well among the other races and especially other humans. They are always mistrusted, always feared, and usually sent away without service, help or even acknowledgment. This stems not just from the recent years, but a long history the kingdom has with treachery. Before the Dark King took his throne, Gya had a reputation of being a place where criminals could prosper without retribution. Gypsies, thieves, miscreants, for centuries, no one has ever had a reason to really trust anyone from Gya. Most have always viewed them as no better than the wild men and barbarians surrounding their borders.

Well respected and revered are the men of Ruand in the south. They are lords of the saddle, leaders in economy and production, and well versed in combat on and off a steed. The kingdom sprawls far across the southern plains, much larger in territory than Mirerenna (two and a half times), though their population is nothing compared to the western kingdom. Most children of Ruand say that the kingdom is so big you can't see either border when you stand clear at the top of Hollyhead Mill in Farwater, largest wheat mill in all the lands and situated only a few miles south of the capital of Aeredale. During the coronation of Lady Evette, High Thane and Queen of Ruand, citizens came from far and wide and the children of Farwater could see the festivities from atop the mill, albeit very far away. The people of Ruand are very proud and very rich in culture. They consider themselves to be the best farmers, craftsmen, and even fighters.

Ruand worship the horse, above all else, even above the six gods. They believe the horse to represent their power in every way. Without horses they could not travel their lands, they could not travel to sell their goods, they could not defeat their Barbarian neighbors. The kingdom as a whole has a very close history with the Barbarians, most having Barbarian blood, because before they became the respected kingdom of Ruand, they were all considered wildmen. Queen Evette is a very beautiful, striking woman, a well respected and accomplished fighter herself, and a master on a steed. Though she has been criticized by her people as being way too content in keeping their kingdom just as it is. Ruand is the youngest of the four kingdoms and has a long history of invading their neighbors. After all, that's how they got so big to begin with. Evette says she would rather keep her people out of battle in order to gain the respect of the other kingdoms, instead of indulging in their history of warbands roving the plains looking to pick a fight with anyone who would dare speak up against the queen. Even with Dalry frequently invading she has chosen to handle things with diplomacy instead of force.

In recent years there have been many rumors of an uprising against the crown. And these rumors hold weight. Despite appearing to be a very pleasant and nice place to live, the tension in Ruand is thick and it is very apparent that the people are looking for an opportunity to revolt and burn the mead hall of their choosing. Queen Evette is an aging woman and her daughter has been named as next in line to rule. The people have very little faith in the young woman, as she seems to be a carbon copy of her mother. It is no secret that Queen Evette is trying to make up for the mistakes her family made in the past. Years ago it was her family that led the attacks on what were considered the Last of the Dwarves. They believed they would be going in to defeat a ferocious army, but massacred women, children and the old and dying, leaving a very bloody mark on the family and nation's history, and their war mongering ways.

If you have any questions concerning humans, please see here.